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If prayers to God fail to protect Americans from another attack of terrorism, what is "Plan B"?

by Judith Haney

USNEWSLINK/November 10, 2001

U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft eloquently presented his agenda for tightening homeland security Friday on Larry King. He spoke without a script.  And, sprinkled in and among his comments were references to God, prayers, and religion which gave this listener pause.

In the opinion of this writer, the nation can get all the spiritual leadership it needs and wants from it's spiritual leaders.

What Americans need from General Ashcroft is a law enforcer who possesses sound judgment and independent reasoning.

Ashcroft's references to religion Friday, and at other times during his frequent public appearances, did not seem appropriate given the context of the discussion of the war on terrorism.

Basically, Americans want to know: If prayers to God fail to protect them from another attack of terrorism, what is "Plan B"?

Presently Ashcroft is under fire for broadening his authority to limit the civil liberties of certain people living within the United States absent due process of law.

In these troubled times, it is not unheard of for leaders of his religious background and persuasion to make the jump from law enforcer to fascist dictator thereby eroding the rights and undermining the trust of America's citizens.

Therefore, it is extremely important that Ashcroft take extra care to avoid conveying messages via mass communications that provoke 'some' Americans to wonder about the possibility of a hidden agenda.

Ashcroft has one of the toughest jobs in the nation during this time of crisis. In the opinion of this writer, he is very able and extremely competent to do the job. He possesses a rare eloquence in his ability to inspire others. His remarkable talent and aptitude for communication renders him perfectly suited to convey difficult law enforcement strategy to a global audience needing to understand how terrorism is being fought on the domestic front.

However, he should refrain from mixing apples with oranges when addressing the concerns of the American people.

It is confusing enough to follow the Justice Department changes that are currently underway.  But, when religious references are mixed into the same discussion, often out of context, it is, to say the least, inappropriate, and at it's worst, casts doubt upon Ashcroft's ability to think and reason on his feet.

When Ashcroft says that the Justice Department has placed "terrorism at the top of the tier" in the organization, reporters know what he is referring to. But the average American does not. They have never seen the organizational chart and the budget appropriations assigned to various departments within the Justice Department.

Ashcroft should change his tact when talking to Americans. He should give the facts, and refrain from proselytizing listeners about his born again religious faith.  Further, he should rehearse his appearances to ensure that an average, uninformed,  person can follow what he is talking about.

Citizens of America who depend upon an accurate, straight forward, flow of information from their political leaders deserve nothing less than simple,  straight, talk without the religious rhetoric.

Judith Haney is the Editor of USNewsLink.

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